Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday Night in Contignano

It's Friday night in Contignano, and I am in the teen center. There's a public internet site, and I thought I'd be standing in line for a computer, but the eight or so high school kids who are here are playing a rowday game of something like hide and seek. I hear counting, quiet, then running, shouting. They have left me in the dark computer room, and have forgotten me completely, and yikes! It's closing time!

Must run!!

All is well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that I check your blog every day to see what adventures you and Dan are having. I hope you're having a wonderful time and it sure sounds like it. Take care, write often! It's really fun to try to keep up with you.

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy and Dan, between root canal and crown work, I need more distraction. PLease write more. Yesterday was the first frost, on the pumpkins no less. How is the weather progressing and what delicious foods are you consuming? Nellie wants to know if you see any cats in Cantigano.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy, pls check your NWlink e-mail. I sent you a message and need guidance.


10:46 PM  

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